Our Mission
The Foundry Church exists to Engage, Equip and Empower people to become fully devoted Christ followers. We are committed to penetrating our culture and marketplace, seeking to expand the Kingdom, and impacting the generations to come.
Forged Together in Love
God has created each of us with a Unique Purpose. A foundry is a place where we can overcome our flaws and be molded and shaped into something wonderful. The name Foundry Church embodies a firm belief that we, as followers of Jesus, are committed to seeking personal and community transformation. To become that work of art created by the master designer, God himself, so that we might be the light of his beauty and design.
Psalm 66:8-12 The Message (MSG)
Bless our God, O peoples!
Give him a thunderous welcome!
Didn’t he set us on the road to life?
Didn’t he keep us out of the ditch?
He trained us first,
passed us like silver through refining fires,
Brought us into hardscrabble country,
pushed us to our very limit,
Road-tested us inside and out,
took us to hell and back;
Finally he brought us
to this well-watered place.
As a Church to Love Loud
As a church we seek to Engage our culture with the message of Christ, to Equip people to become all that God has intended, and then to Empower people to do Good. As the great commandment says, Love God, Love each other, and serve the world.
All Are Welcome!
Whether you’re seeking God, curious about our fellowship, or attend our worship regularly, there’s something for you here. Our church exists to serve the real needs of people with the authentic love of Jesus Christ! We invite you to experience our causal worship, our practical uplifting messages, and enjoyable atmosphere that are a part of our community. We hope you will come to worship and celebrate with us often. And, if you do not have a church home, we would be honored to have you consider becoming a part of our fellowship.