Core Values

We have articulated seven Biblically-based core values that describe who we are, what we value and why we do what we do.

Next Generation Focused – Although every church should be intergenerational we recognize that churches have a culture that appeals to specific age groups.  Our desire is to focus on young adults and families.  This is a time in which major life decisions are made, and we want to be one of the strongest voices truly transforming lives.  We have been entrusted with a message that must be passed on to reach each successive generation.  Psalm 71: 18, 1Timothy 4:12-16

Creativity – We believe that the church should be the most creative place on the planet.  We serve a God who painted the sky and wonderfully created each of us for a unique purpose. Genesis 1:1-31

Authenticity – People are looking for something real, something they can trust and believe in.  We are committed to honesty and integrity in all we do.  We believe the single greatest issue facing young people today is abandonment.  Because of this, people are seeking intimacy in relationships.  As a church, we desire to provide an extended family for people to connect to a personal God and to discover all that God desires for them to become. 2 Corinthians 1:12

Investment in the Kingdom – Christ commanded us to Go and make Disciples.  We are called to teach and encourage people to live transformed lives and to become fully devoted Christ followers.  As a church, we are here to develop great Godly leaders who can change our community and world one person at a time. We place equipping people and starting new churches as a key focal point of our ministry. Acts 2:40-47, Acts 1:8

Entrepreneurial Faith – The Kingdom of God moves forward when we are able to take risks.  We are called to push the envelope in faith.  As a church we seek to create an environment in which people are encouraged to attempt things for God that they cannot do using their own strength.  By doing so we encourage people to stretch their faith to believe God for all He wants them to be.   Hebrews 11:6, Matthew 14:29

Excellence in All we do – God has called us to do things with excellence.  How we live our lives is a reflection on our understanding of who God is.  For those looking at Christianity from the outside in, our commitment to excellence and integrity are a test of the reality of God and His desire to reward those who seek him.  We believe that excellence provides the “clear glass” through which people can see God.  1 Peter 4:10-11

An Ancient Message Contemporary Methods – The message has not changed for 2,000 years.  We believe that the Word of God is true and to be taken literally.  It is our absolute and our authority. Yet the methods we communicate this ancient message change in order to effectively reach the culture in which God has placed us.